Everything you need, all in one place

Your Key Persons

Business leaders can assure that they are covered to meet capital needs and liabilities.

Reduce Business Risk

We will help you gain control of your financial risk.

Buy-Sell Agreements

We can help you set up a buy-sell agreement before it becomes an issue

Products and Services

Financial products and services can address specific needs in your financial security plan

Your Key Persons

Succession planning is an essential process that every business owner should undertake to ensure the long-term success of their organization. It involves identifying and developing internal talent to assume critical leadership roles in the company, in the event that the current leaders retire or leave the organization. It also includes comprehensive Buy-Sell agreements, and the appropriate insurance of the owners and key individuals to ensure a timely and efficient transition of leadership and ownership in the organization. 

Business owners should consult with their financial advisors and legal counsel to develop a comprehensive plan that meets their specific needs and objectives.

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Reduce Business Risk

Business risk is a reality that every business owner must face. However, there are ways to reduce the impact of risk on your business. One effective method is to use life insurance, business disability insurance, key persons insurance, and critical injury insurance. Life insurance can protect the business from financial losses caused by the unexpected death of a key employee. It can also be used to provide a death benefit to the employee's family, which can help to alleviate the financial burden of their loss. Business disability insurance can provide a stream of income to the business owner or key employee in the event of a disability that prevents them from working. This can help to keep the business running smoothly and avoid financial losses.

Key persons insurance is another type of insurance that can help to reduce business risk. It provides coverage for the loss of a key employee due to death or disability. This type of insurance can provide the business with the funds it needs to find a replacement for the key employee, as well as cover the costs associated with recruiting and training a new employee. Critical injury insurance is a type of insurance that can provide coverage for the costs associated with a critical injury or illness. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs associated with the injury or illness. By having these types of insurance coverage in place, business owners can reduce their overall risk and protect their business from financial losses.

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Buy-Sell Agreements Protect Your Team

Buy-sell agreements are a critical component of succession planning. These agreements help ensure a smooth transition of ownership in the event that one of the business owners passes away or is incapacitated. The agreement typically outlines the terms and conditions for the purchase of the ownership interest of the deceased or disabled owner. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, including the use of insurance policies, which can help ensure that the funds are available to purchase the ownership interest in a timely manner.

Buy-sell agreements can be an effective way to protect your team and ensure the continuity of your business in the event of unexpected events such as death, disability, or retirement of a team member. Here are some steps to take when developing a buy-sell agreements to protect your team:

  • Determine the need for a buy-sell agreement: Consider the impact of the departure of a key team member on your business. If it would significantly disrupt your operations or financial stability, then a buy-sell agreement may be necessary.
  • Choose the type of buy-sell agreement: There are different types of buy-sell agreements, such as cross-purchase, entity-purchase, and hybrid agreements. Consider which type best suits your needs.
  • Set a valuation method: The buy-sell agreement should specify how the value of the departing team member's ownership interest will be determined. Common methods include a fixed price, formula, or appraisal.
  • Determine funding options: The buy-sell agreement should specify how the purchase price will be funded. Common funding options include life insurance, installment payments, or a sinking fund.
  • Draft the agreement: Work with a lawyer to draft the buy-sell agreement, which should outline the terms and conditions of the agreement, including the trigger events, valuation method, and funding options.
  • Review and update regularly: Review and update the buy-sell agreement regularly to ensure that it still meets the needs of your business and takes into account any changes in circumstances.

Overall, a well-drafted buy-sell agreement can help protect your team and ensure the continuity of your business. By setting clear terms and funding options, you can provide your team members with a sense of security and protect your business from unexpected events.

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Products and Services

KNS provides numerous financial products and services to address specific needs for your financial plan. We can access solutions for insurance, investment, employee disability and group benefit products that will serve your individual, business and employee goals.Protect your business, and employees against the risks of day to day business..

How to Protect Your Business

There are several ways that insurance can help protect your business. Here are a few examples:

  • Property insurance: This type of insurance can help protect your business in case of damage to your physical property, such as your building, equipment, or inventory. If you experience a fire, theft, or other covered event, property insurance can help cover the costs of repairs or replacement.
  • Liability insurance: Liability insurance can help protect your business in case of lawsuits or claims against your business for injury or property damage caused by your business or its products. This type of insurance can cover legal fees, settlements, and judgments.
  • Business interruption insurance: If your business is forced to shut down temporarily due to a covered event, such as a fire or natural disaster, business interruption insurance can help cover lost income and other expenses until you are able to reopen.
  • Cyber liability insurance: In the event of a data breach or other cyber attack, cyber liability insurance can help cover the costs of notifying affected individuals, investigating the breach, and potentially defending against lawsuits.

How to Protect Your Employees

It's important to consult with a licensed insurance agent or broker to determine what types of insurance are necessary to protect your specific business needs.

There are several ways to use insurance to protect your employees:

  • Health insurance: Providing health insurance to your employees can help cover the costs of medical expenses, including doctor visits, hospitalizations, and prescriptions.
  • Disability insurance: Disability insurance can provide financial protection to employees who become disabled and are unable to work. This can help cover the cost of living expenses and medical bills.
  • Life insurance: Life insurance can provide financial protection to an employee's beneficiaries in the event of their death.
  • Workers' compensation insurance: Workers' compensation insurance can provide benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their job. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation services.
  • Travel insurance: If your employees travel for work, providing travel insurance can help cover the costs of medical expenses or trip cancellation.

By providing insurance to your employees, you can help protect them financially and provide them with peace of mind.

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